Learning programming from books ? why not ?

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Learning programming from books ? why not ?

my first blog about my learning experience using books

Hi, this is my first post. Here I will share my experience in learning programming by reading books. I'm pretty much a self-taught programmer.

My resources for learning programming started with video tutorials. On the one hand, it adds to my experience in making things straight to the main case. However, on the other hand, I also need to understand the concept of each code itself.

In other words, I learned to build an app, but at the same time, I didn't know the details of how the code works.

Realizing this, I immediately switched to learning programming using books. Here are some of the advantages that I get when studying through books:

  1. Practice reading and critical thinking
  2. provide the detail about the concept
  3. Reading for writing

1. Practice reading and critical thinking

Reading is the gateway to knowledge. by reading ,we can train brain function, clear thoughts, and strengthen memory. Critical thinking can know one of them is by reading, because reading can make us find information and knowledge widely.

in the context of learning the computer program, Critical thinking can be useful for learn code concepts where weren't only know how it works ,but we also have to know how to implement it in real cases.

2. provide the detail about the concept

when we learning concept through video. We're need to listen. when we forget the concept explained in the video, we turn back the video time, and listen again. On the one hand this is good for practicing listening, but on the other hand, it's exhausting.

For me, books are quick documentation. I just bookmark important concepts so that when I forget the syntax, I just have to reread what I saved.

3. Reading for writing

By reading often. Our brains become accustomed to processing words, from the process they are finally recorded in our brains. So that over time, we become confident in writing. Writing is the best way to review the material that has been studied. By writing too, we can share our competence with others.


Those are some points that I feel when learning by reading. But in the end, everyone is free to choose and has their learning style. The important thing is to stay consistent and keep innovating to inspire people.