My 4 recommended Javascript books

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My 4 recommended Javascript books

a must read books for learning js

In this digital age, learning programming languages ​​is a must tried and deepened everyone. Because apart from helping a lot of work humans, Learning programming languages ​​promise a good salary and a career path promising.

One technology that is widely used today is the website.In studying websites, we must understand HTML and CSS as the basis for building website layouts. But is that enough? certainly not. a website should be made interactive with the user.

This is where Javascript comes to provide web interactivity. Then, how to start learning Javascript? what book should I read to master the basics? of course, many Programming books on Javascript well packaged by the author. Here are 4 recommended Javascript books of my choice based on my learning experience.

#1. Javascript The Definitive Guide 7th Edition by David Flanagan.


This book written by Mr. David Flanagan contains a variety of fundamentals JavaScript that must be mastered by beginners. the material is very detailed and technical in the explanation so it is suitable for beginners who want to a comprehensive understanding of Javascript. This book covers at least the following topics:

  • Types, values, variables, expressions, operators, statements, objects, and arrays
  • Functions, classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, and async/await
  • JavaScript’s standard library: data structures, regular expressions, JSON, i18n, etc.
  • The web platform: documents, components, graphics, networking, storage, and threads
  • Node.js: buffers, files, streams, threads, child processes, web clients, and web servers
  • Tools and language extensions that professional JavaScript developers rely on.

#2. Javascript Cookbook by John Paxton, Adam D Scott & shelley powers


This second book I recommend has a unique approach to learning javascript. In one topic, there are 3 main sections: This book is suitable for beginners who don't want to go into too much detail in theory but take a practical approach

  • Problem: the problem was raised.
  • Solution: the best solution to a problem.
  • Discussion: further discussion about other alternative solutions.

#3. Javascript For Professional Web Developer Fourth Edition by Mat Frisbie


This book introduces Javascript in more detail. many topics covered in this book. more fully explain the basics of Javascript, Javascript in the browser.

This new fourth edition has been updated to cover through ECMAScript 2019; new frameworks and libraries, new techniques, new APIs, and more are explained in detail for the professional developer, with a practical focus that helps you put your new skills to work on real-world projects.

The latest--and most dramatic--ES release is already being incorporated into JavaScript engines in major browsers; this, coupled with the rise in mobile web traffic increasing demand for responsive, dynamic web design, means that all web developers need to update their skills--and this book is your ideal resource for quick, relevant guidance.

  • Get up to date on ECMAScript through ES2019, including classes, promises, async/await, proxies, iterators, generators, symbols, modules, and spread/rest operators.
  • Delve into fundamental web development concepts such as the document object model (DOM), browser object model (BOM), events, forms, JSON, error handling, and web animation.
  • Learn about advanced browser APIs such as geolocation, web workers, service workers, fetch, atomics, streams, message channels, performance timelines, and web cryptography.
  • Work hands-on with hundreds of working code examples that demonstrate concepts clearly and concisely.

#4. JavaScript Info Part 1 by Ilya Kantor


This book covers many topics Regarding JavaScript and places more emphasis on practice. this book is suitable as a quick cheatsheet. every topic is brought very light and straight to the point. so this book is suitable for impatient beginners in mastering JavaScript.